
Traffic light with LCD display controlled by Arduino

Presentation of traffic light A traffic light is a signaling device at road intersections, pedestrian crossings, and other locations to [...]

23-04-21 2887

Cooling system with Arduino

A cooling system is a mechanism or machine designed to lower the temperature of a substance or system. Cooling systems [...]

23-04-21 2887

Obstacle detection system with Arduino

An obstacle detection system is a device or system that is designed to detect the presence of obstacles in a [...]

24-04-21 2887

Fire detection system with Arduino

Presentation of fire detection system A fire detection system is a system that detects the presence of fire and raises [...]

25-04-21 2887

Automatic lighting system with Arduino

Presentation of automatic lighting system An automatic lighting system is a system of lights that turn on and off automatically [...]

25-04-21 2887

Development of a remote control car with Arduino

Presentation of robot car A robot car is a type of robot that is designed to move on wheels or [...]

25-04-21 2887

Construction of a remote control car with Arduino

Presentation of robot car A robot car is a type of robot that is designed to move on wheels or [...]

25-04-21 2887

Automatic parking barrier with Arduino

Presentation of Automatic parking barrier An automatic parking barrier is a system that uses sensors and automated mechanisms to control [...]

03-05-21 2887

Automatic watering system with Arduino

Presentation of automatic watering system An automatic watering system is a system designed to automatically water plants or crops without [...]

03-05-21 2887

Controlling the Maqueen robot with smartphone

Controlling the Microbit Maqueen robot with a smartphone can be done by using a Bluetooth communication module. The micro:bit has [...]

06-05-21 2887

Controlling a car using a smartphone and Micro:bit

Definition of robot car A robot car is a type of mobile robot that is designed to move on wheels [...]

06-05-21 2887

Send a message from Arduino to smartphone using matrix keyboard

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on simple software and hardware. It can be used to control a wide [...]

07-05-21 2887

Switching LEDs on and off with smartphone and Arduino

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on simple software and hardware. It can be used to control a wide [...]

07-05-21 2887

Display the temperature measured by DHT11 sensor in smartphone

Sending data from an Arduino to a smartphone via Bluetooth To send data from an Arduino to a smartphone via [...]

07-05-21 2887

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