Game Scratch

Car game with Scratch

A car game is a type of video game in which the player controls a car or other vehicle and competes against other players or the computer. There are many different types of car games, ranging from simple racing games to more complex simulation games that aim to replicate the experience of driving a real car.

In a racing game, the objective is typically to race around a track or other course and finish in first place. The player may be able to customize their car with different parts and upgrades, and may have to contend with other cars on the track as well as challenges such as turns, jumps, and obstacles.

To create a car game using Scratch, you will need to create a background image or series of images that represent the game environment, and create a sprite that represents the player’s car. You can then use the Scratch blocks to make the car move and control its direction, and use blocks such as the “when space key pressed” block to allow the player to accelerate or brake. You can also create additional sprites to represent other cars, obstacles, and other elements of the game.

Description of car game with Scratch:

This tutorial teaches you how to create a car game using MIT’s Scratch program. The main goal of this game is to drive the car without being run over by other cars.

This project consists of 5 sprites. You can add many more.

The player’s car sprite: this is the car that the player moves using the directional arrows on the keyboard (right – left). It consists of two suits:


The sprite car_1: this is the car trying to intercept the player’s car. It consists of four suits:

The two sprites Tree1 and Tree2 represent the trees on both sides of the road. Each of these sprites consists of two costumes:

– The signaling sprite: represents the horizontal road signs which refer to the marking in the middle of the road.

Change background

1) Go to Paint to draw the image for the game background:

2) We get the following background:

Creation of the sprite Tree1

The Tree1 sprite represents the tree at the side of the road.

We will create copies of the Tree1 sprite to place them at the left edge of the road.

1) Go to Choose a Sprite to add the Tree1 image.

2) Choose the Tree1 image:

3) Go to the Tree1 sprite’s costume to add the second costume:

4) Added the program to the Tree1 sprite:

We create the acceleration variable.

When you click on the green flag, the program randomly chooses the costume of sprite Tree1 and creates copies (clones) of sprite Tree1.

For each created clone (copy) of the Tree1 sprite:

  • we reduce the size of the sprite to 7% to show that the tree comes from afar.

  • we display the clone (copy) of the Tree1 sprite:

  • We place the Tree1 sprite clone at the end of the route:

  • We assign 0.1 to the acceleration variable:

Then repeat the following instructions 15 times :

  • Increase the size of the Tree1 sprite

  • Modify the coordinates of the Trees sprite to show that the car is moving past the trees.

  • Increment the acceleration variable by 1.

Finally we delete the clone of sprite Tree1

Finally here is the final program of the Tree1 sprite:

Creation of the sprite Tree2 (tree):

The Tree2 sprite represents the tree at the right side of the road.

We will follow the same procedure of the Tree1 sprite to create the Tree2 sprite.

Here is the final program for the Tree2 sprite:

Creation of the Signaling sprite:

The Signaling sprite represents the road markings that are in the middle of the road.

1) Go to the new sprites section and select the brush icon.

2) Draw signage using the drawing editor:

3) Here is the signaling sprite program:

Creation of the car_1 sprite:

1) Go to Upload a Sprite to add the image of the car that will intercept the player’s car.

2) Choose car image :

3) Go to the car sprite’s costume to add three more costumes:

4) Inserting the program into the sprite car_1:

We  create the variable score.

We create the two direction and acceleration variables in the same way.

The set score to 0 block is executed when the green flag is clicked.

At first the car_1 sprite disappears from the scene using this block:

The endless loop code block allows its contents to be repeated indefinitely.

We choose a car randomly from the four cars that make up the car_1 sprite:

We wait two seconds:

We reduce the size of the car to 7% to show that the car is coming from afar.

We randomly choose the right lane or the left lane of the road assigned to car_1

The meaning variable can have three values: -1, 0 or 1.

If the variable sens = 0 then the sprite car_1 remains hidden.

If the direction variable = -1 then car_1 is on the left lane of the road.

If the direction variable = 1 then car_1 is on the right lane of the road.

We place the sprite car_1 in the initial position:

If the direction variable is different from 0:

We display the car_1 sprite:

We assign 0.1 to the acceleration variable:

Then repeat the following instructions 50 times:

Increase car_1 sprite size

Modify the coordinates of the car_1 sprite to show that the car is approaching.

Increment the acceleration variable by 0.1 to increase the speed of the car.

 – Then we increment the score variable by 1

Finally we hide the sprite car_1

We repeat the program located in the block repeat indefinitely until the car_1 sprite crashes the player’s car.

Here is the final program for sprite car_1:

Creating the user’s car sprite:

1) Go to Upload Sprite to add the player car image.

2) Choose player car image

3) Go to the costume of the car sprite to add the second costume:

and choose this image:

3) Inserting the program into the player’s car sprite:

The player’s car sprite moves from left to right by the keyboard arrows to avoid cars that intercept it without passing either side of the road.

If the player’s car is intercepted by another car:

  • Decrement the score by 1 point

  • We go to costume 2 which visualizes the player’s car is crashed

  • we stop the game program

Here is the final program for the player’s car sprite:

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